Terms and Conditions

General rules

  • Unfortunately, we at Swing in Karlsruhe are only human. Therefore, we cannot exclude the possibility of unforeseen delays or cancellation due to illness.
  • We cannot take responsibility for your valuables or your physical safety. Please act on your own responsibility and take care of yourself as well as your fellow dancers.
  • With your participation you agree that we may use and publish photos or videos in which you can be seen.

Terms and Conditions

  • The information given on the internet about workshop dates, times and fees are without guarantee.
  • By registering, a place in the corresponding workshop is reserved, but only after availability has been checked and confirmed by the organization.
  • If an online registration is sent for another person, the sender is liable for all resulting obligations, especially for the full payment of all fees.
  • Non-participation in class does not release the participant from the obligation to pay.
  • A refund of the fee is not possible. If you are prevented from attending, it is possible to find a substitute and give your place to another person. In this case please write us an e-mail to mail@swinginkarlsruhe.de.
  • Any cancellation or agreement of different conditions must be made in writing (by e-mail).
  • Staying and dancing in the respective rooms is at your own risk.
  • It is not allowed to take photos or film during the lessons, unless expressly permitted by the teachers.
  • In case of contagious disease, students are not allowed to participate in classes, to prevent infection of teachers and other participants.
  • When selecting hosting in the order, you agree to have your E-Mail and Name shared with the potential hosting partner.
  • The house rules of the location are to be followed.
  • If sections or individual terms of this statement are not legal or correct, the content or validity of the other parts remain uninfluenced by this fact.